Jesus Eyes

Jesus Eyes
He is watching us.

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's Time to Fish or Cut Bait

As we all put the holidays behind us, box up the decorations, head off to work or school, or whatever your condition on this first full week of the New Year, I think it's appropriate that we now realize that in fact "It's Time to Fish or Cut Bait." Most statistics show that a New Year's resolution is probably already forgotten by January 4th, so if that's the case for you here's your friendly reminder to realign your priorities and to put your focus on God now more than ever.

I don't think it is by chance that one of Christ's first recorded conversations in Matthew is, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4: 19 ESV) This short, direct, and imperative statement from Christ is the subject of today's thought.

As I read this account in Matthew, I can visualize Christ on a mission.

As verse 18 reads, "While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen."

I don't think He was on a casual stroll across the shore and happened upon two fisherman...He was on a mission to find those who would lead the church after He was gone. He knew where they were, what they were doing, and he found them right where they were at this point of their lives.

He was searching for men of character, men of boldness, men of strength, and yes, men of honor. He came to find Simon Peter and Andrew. He knew where they were. He knew they were two men who would answer His call.

Allow me to ask you this question, when Christ called you, do you think that was by accident? Heck no! Christ called you because He has a plan for you! Well, next question, what the heck are you doing with that gift?

Guys, it is time to recognize that by being called by Him, we were given a gift of life. That gift comes with a responsibility. I like the fact that Christ's statement was an imperative..."Follow me," and a promise, "I will make you fishers of men." That means we have been issued a command to follow him, and we've been blessed with His promise that our obedience will glorify Him. Tell me that doesn't get your adrenalin pumping!! This is a call to discipleship. This simple statement is Christ telling each of us that a priority in our lives must be to share the Gospel with others; being "fishers of men."

OK, some may say that this was just something Christ said to Simon Peter and Andrew, right? He didn't mean everyone should follow him immediatley (dropping what they're doing), and serve him, actively seeking others to share the Gospel with. Is that what you're thinking? If so, I think you're wrong.

Dr. John Tolson makes the point in his book, The Four Priorities, in this way, "Discipling is a command by Jesus Christ to all Christians and not merely a gift to a select few." To back up this statement, Tolson refers to Matthew 28:16-20: "Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heavean and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

So as you approach the first full week of the New Year, what is your focus? Where is your heart? What excuse are you going to allow you to be less of an impact for obeying God's call to "Follow me?"

Yes, I am intending to provoke you a bit as I provoke myself. I wallowed in enough self-pity last year and allowed Satan to defeat me time and time again because I took my focus off of Christ. In my own battles, I sat complacent so many times and did not take action. I don't want that to be the case for myself or for you. But the first call to action is to, "Follow me," as Christ commanded Simon Peter and Andrew, so He commands you and I. Want to know how, READ THE WORD! Stop making excuses. It doesn't matter how many times you've read the Bible, pick it up daily and read it again. What else can you do to follow Christ?

Pray. Really pray.
Serve others.
Get involved.

I could go on all day with this, but I think it really boils down to this, are you going to fish or cut bait? You know what God wants for you. Put aside your excuses, your circumstances, your past, or whatever is holding you back and get in the game! Saddle up! I am sick and tired of my own excuses, aren't you sick and tired of yours? We all have them stop kidding yourself. In some aspect of our lives, we compromise on something, even if it's just a show we watch of TV that doesn't glorify Him.

My hope is that 2010 is a year that marks a change in each of our lives, our community, our church, our family, and eventually our world. We are all sick and tired of what's going on outside of our circle of influence, but what are we doing with what's inside our circle of influence? We can't change the outside until we change the inside. Praise be to God that He has provided the power to change the inside through the indwelling Holy Spirit in our lives. We can't do it on our own.

As for me, I'm going to fish. I hope you will join me in this resolve. I am asking that you stand beside me in this. Challenge me, test me, provoke me, push me, drag me. That's what Simon Peter and Adrew did. "Immediately they left their nets and followed Him." Matthew 4:20

In closing, I want to recognize a friend who shared something yesterday that I just can't get out of my mind. A brother who has a difficult past was applying for acceptance into a new apartment. Knowing his own past, he had to be nervous and concerend about being accepted, but yet his heart was to serve the people in this office, so he washed their windows! Some time later, after pulling his record, he was denied residency in this community. Was he angry? No. Did he falsify his testimony upon leaving? No. He called another brother and they went together to another apartment community at which he was accepted. Praise God that this friend is putting his past behind and moving forward actually living Paul's statement in Philippians 3:13-14, "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Thank you for living this Vincent and sharing with us what a Christ-focused life can look like.

Have a blessed day.

1 comment:

  1. Although your pithy comment about "fish or cut bait" was meant to encourage, I do think that all too often we feel like all we need to do is "cut bait" other words, drop a few bucks in the offering plate so others can share the word (actually fish). I'm not saying there is anything wrong with supporting missions, but Christ never told anyone to "cut bait". We are ALL to be fishers of men.

    We should each find a way to share what Christ has done for us, with a full gospel message. We should also look for ways to bless those around us (as Vincent did), with no thought of return. We are His hands and feet.

    I had a wonderful year of sharing my testimony last year, and I'm looking forward to another year of serving Him better.

    Great post !
